Monday, October 25, 2010

The haircut

Why did Gillian cut her hair -- did she need some ruse to get back into the Harrow household? Did it symbolize her femininity or independence in some regard? Related, I think: Why the heck did she want back in once she discovered what the Harrows wanted with her?


  1. I assumed she did it to get their attention, and thus get back into the household. It seemed pretty ingenious to me as a strategy. It was just the kind of semi-unhinged behavior they would enjoy.

    There certainly wasn't a rational reason for her to want back in. It had to be a masochistic impulse, part of her crazy obsession. Or maybe there was some other motive, but I'm struggling to think this through.

    Could she really have been surprised to find the photos and magazines? (I was only surprised it wasn't something worse somehow.)

  2. Seems like this weird flock of girls would have happily done the couple's bidding without being drugged. They were all consenting adults, so why did the couple even resort to drugs?

    (I was expecting something more fiendish, too, like some kind of fertility/Satanic cult with the totems and whatnot. Not some yucky porn ring. Did the Harrows need the extra income? Why would they sell pictures of their criminal debauchery?)

  3. Oh, that's a good question, too! What was their motive for the porn? Did they think it was "art"?

    And you're right, the girls would have done whatever they wanted without drugging. Maybe they liked the drugged-out look in the photos?

  4. Maybe they didn't want the girls to know about the porn because it sort of pierced the couple's mystique. Some weirdo totem sex cult that was artsy and poetic would have been one thing. But producing dirty pictures for smut mags is just common and sordid and cheap — and quite another thing — that puts them in a different light.
