Friday, March 5, 2010

Next read

Has anyone read Graham Greene's "A Chance for Mr. Lever"? It's usually in collections of his short stories (one edition is featured on the left). If no one objects, it can be our next book read ...


  1. Shanxi, I'm excited about this! I haven't read any Graham Greene at all, and I really need to. (I just saw a blurb while ordering it that said he considered this story among his best work.)

  2. Sounds great. This will be my into to Graham Greene, too!

  3. Looking forward to it, Shanxi. All I've read by him is "The End of the Affair," which was a lot more nuanced than I expected (and than what they did with the film version that came out several years ago).

  4. I got my Graham Greene book in the mail today, Shanxi. I'm excited!

  5. Thanks, kc! I was thinking we could start the discussion during the first full week in April. I'd love to hear what you guys think!
