Thursday, February 17, 2011

"The Invention of Morel"

The prologue in my copy of "Morel" described this as an attempt at an adventure story -- I thought it fit in other categories, too. What kind of story did you think it was? Also, what were your overall impressions? Did you like it?


  1. I think it's science fiction. I think it is also adventure, like a lot of sci-fi.

    It might also be an extended character sketch, since we really only know anything about one character.

    I did like it, although I found it difficult to follow at times.

  2. It seems like high-end science fiction to me. Also kind of in the Surrealist tradition.

    I was never a fan of sci-fi because, to be honest, I'm too dumb to follow most sci-fi plots. I am the same way with sci-fi movies. I usually don't get them. But if the reading experience has something more to offer, like this one did, with its lovely, poetic language, I am less bothered by not grasping exactly what's going on.

    Makes me want to read "The Island of Dr. Moreau."

  3. I liked it! I thought of it as part sci-fi, part mystery. I'm also not generally a fan of sci-fi, but this was really interesting, really different from anything else I've encountered. I found the story really satisfying. I can see why Jorge Luis Borges said in the prologue that the plot was perfect.

  4. Oh, I'm glad you guys liked it. I'm with KC -- I don't want to follow a sci-fi plot. And there were parts (the logic with the blue walls and when they can be opened) that I'm thinking, aaagh, OK, you have captured my gullibility! Go on!

    I thought it had some romantic notes and, as Ben noted, it worked as a character sketch. I love a story with an unreliable narrator!
